

Mar 21, 2023

Fresno’s oldest high school kicks off 2023 graduation season at Save Mart Center

The oldest high school in the Fresno Unified High School kicked off the 2023 graduation season with encouragement from trustee Andy Levine to "come back."

"You all are going to big places, whether it's far away or close to home," Levine told about 350 Fresno High School graduates who participated in the graduation ceremony late Monday afternoon at the Save Mart Center.

"So when I say how inspired I am, what I’m about to say now might sound a little bit confusing, especially for those of you leaving Fresno," he added.

"What I want to say now is come back. Come back."

Levine said coming back "doesn't mean you have to literally move."

He asked the graduates to visit, share their "experiences, learnings and encouragement" with the next generation of Fresno High students.

Give back financially, or sharing the reality of Fresno's beauty and poverty.

Fresno is home to more families living in poverty than almost anywhere in the country," said Levine. "I have every bit of hope that we are already beginning to change that reality, but only because of young leaders like you.

"It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it."

The ceremony was the first of six scheduled at the Save Mart Center (McLane High holds its graduation at its stadium).

Fresno High / June 5, 2023

Save Mart Center

Graduates: 555

Valedictorians: 35

Latino enrollment: 75.7%

Highlight: Graduates were asked to describe their high school experience with one word. A video with their replies was played on the arena video screen. Responses ranged from "lit" to "rollercoaster" to "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

Quote: Principal Linda Laettner, as she choked up: "As Winnie the Pooh side, ‘You are braver than you believe, stronger than you see, smarter and you think, and loved more than you will ever know. I am immensely proud of each and every one of you. May your futures be bright, your dreams be realized, and you impact be everlasting."

Graduates Valedictorians Latino enrollment Highlight Quote